(4 items)
Another podcast I frequently listen to likely needs no introduction of its own. The This Week in Tech (or just “TWiT”) network’s flagship podcast - also called TWiT - must be one of the longest-running tech podcasts.
The podcast series started back in 2005. It runs weekly, with episodes recorded live each Sunday evening and made available via podcast clients shortly afterwards.
It is hosted by Leo Laporte, who is joined by interesting and varied panelists from across the tech sector. Episodes feature light-hearted discussion of recent news and insights from the technology world.
Another of my favourite podcasts is Darknet Diaries.
Created and presented by the excellent Jack Rhysider, Darknet Diaries releases new episodes fornightly. Each episode contains a true story from the “dark side of the internet” and includes content related to cybercrime, hacking (in the information security sense), dodgy government activity, and much more.
Typically, most episodes involve guests that Jack interviews in order to tell a story. Although it does occasionally stray into some technical detail, the vast majority of episodes are totally accessible to everyone.
I listen to a number of podcasts each week. One of these is ATP (Accidental Tech Podcast).
This is one of my favourite weekly podcasts. It’s humurous and full of cutting-edge discussion from the tech world, and I always look forward to new episodes.
The episodes are primarily Apple focused, which is fine for me since I’m a big user of Apple products. Some episodes are more technical than others - discussing programming and development approaches - whilst others are focused more on user-facing items.
I listen to a number of podcasts each week. One of these is Go Time.
The Go Time podcast releases episodes every Thursday. Its format is mostly comprised of panel discussions and interviews with founders and specialists in the community about the Go programming language. Episodes are usually between 60 and 90 minutes long.
I don’t program in Go a lot myself these days, though do have one or two older projects written in the language. However, I feel that the content is often broadly relevant for non-full-time gophers - like myself - also.