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(4 items)

NHS Hack Day 27 January 2015

This weekend I took part in the NHS Hack Day. The idea of the event is to bring healthcare professionals together with technology enthusiasts in order to build stuff that is useful for those within the NHS and for those that use it. It was organised by AnneMarie Cunningham, who did a great job in making the whole thing run smoothly!

NHS Hack Day

This was our team! The image is released under a Creative Commons BY-NC2.0 license by Paul Clarke.

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eartub.es 25 April 2013

Last weekend I went to CFHack Open Sauce Hackathon. I worked in a team with Chris, Ross and Matt.

We started work on eartub.es, which is a web application for suggesting movies based on their sound tracks. We had several ideas for requirements we wanted to meet but, due to the nature of hackathons, we didn’t do nearly as much as what we thought we would!

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Cardiff Open Sauce Hackathon 11 April 2013

Next week I, along with others in a team, am taking part in Cardiff Open Sauce Hackathon.

If you’re in the area and feel like joining in for the weekend then sign up at the link above.

he hackathon is a two-day event in which teams work to ‘hack together’ smallish projects, which will be open-sourced at the end of the weekend. Whilst we have a few ideas already for potential projects, if anyone has any cool ideas for something relatively quick, but useful, to make, then please let me know!

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DigiSocial Hackathon 20 September 2012

We recently held our DigiSocial Hackathon. This was a collaboration between the Schools of Computer Science and Social Sciences and was organised by myself and a few others.

The website for the event is hosted here.

DigiSocial logo

The idea of the event was to try and encourage further ties between the different Schools of the University. The University Graduate College (UGC) provide the funding for these events, which must be applied for, in the hope that good projects or results come out of it.

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