I have been involved in a number of research projects.
The ITA program is a research project undertaken by a coalition between the UK MoD and US Army Research Labs, led by IBM. Whilst on this project I worked closely wth IBM Emerging Technology on Controlled English and machine task assignment - particularly the CENode library and engine.
My PhD research (looking into the ‘unfiltered feed’ problem in online social networks) resulted in a number of key academic outputs and my thesis.
Erin Zaroukian, Jonathan Z Bakdash, Alun Preece, Will Webberley
IEEE International InterDisciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), 2017
Dave Braines, Nick O'Leary, Anna Thomas, Daniel Harborne, Alun Preece, Will Webberley
International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems, 2017
Alun Preece, Irena Spasić, Kieran Evans, David Rogers, William Webberley, Colin Roberts, Martin Innes
IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2017
Alun Preece, William Webberley, Dave Braines, Erin G Zaroukian, Jonathan Z Bakdash
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 2017
A Toniolo, AD Preece, W Webberley, TJ Norman, P Sullivan, T Dropps
17th International Conference on Distributed Computing, 2016
Alun Preece, Colin Roberts, David Rogers, Will Webberley, Martin Innes, Dave Braines
Next-Generation Analyst, 2016
Alun David Preece, William Webberley, Dave Braines, Erin Zaroukian, Jonathan Bakdash
, 2016
WM Webberley, SM Allen, RM Whitaker
Computer Communications, 2016
Alun Preece, Will Webberley, Dave Braines
Ground/Air Multisensor Interoperability, Integration, and Networking for Persistent ISR VI, 2015
W Webberley, SM Allen, RM Whitaker
2013 International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing, 2013
W Webberley, S Allen, R Whitaker
2011 Workshop on Mobile and Online Social Networks, 2011